Mapel, kijk ff hiernaar???
Mauritz en Johanna= hoogstwaarschijnlijk; Johan Maurits, de oprichter van Mauritsstad, ligt vlakbij Porto Calvo en Porto Alegere (zit inderdaad op 30 graden breedte op de werelkaart)
Link van Pim wijst erop dat de kruis en het Hart van de postzegel hoogwaarschijnlijk op Porto Alegere slaat (Priester Blarius). Dutch control on Brazil was always tenuous, and the WIC failed in its aim of colonization.
The majority of the colonists were Portuguese moradores with a different religion and language
that were always ready to revolt against the "heretics". In October 1642 the province of
Maranhão revolted and after one year of fighting the Dutch troops retreated.
In April 1642 the directors of the WIC wrote to Johan Maurits informing him to return to
Holland in the spring of 1643. He was not happy for that, and postponed his departure until
May 1644.